We made it through week 1 with out Dad being home. (He still comes home for lunch or we meet him somewhere!) Morrison is doing great! Last Monday we had a check up and all the doc could say was he is perfect! We left the hospital on the 4
th weighing 5 lbs 12 oz and by Monday morning he was at 6lbs 8 oz so he had gained back all he lost plus some!! Yes, he is a good eater! He is also a good sleeper, we go to bed around 10pm and get up at 1am, 4am and 6/7am. Twice now he has slept through the 4am feeding and let mommy and daddy sleep! (Hey,
Morelli's when did that colic thing start??) We knock on a lot of wood at our house as Morrison is clockwork and we just hope it all stays this way!
Here are a few pictures of Morrison.
Here is my first Band-Aid, its a football one!
Mom needed an extra hand so she set me in my tub to go get the barking dogs!
My first Monday night football game outfit, we went to see Mallory Gylland too!
So precious!
Morrison's Big Teddy from Curt and Shelia!
My Auntie Stephi finally came to visit me! She has been busy at Mankato State.
Finally, I got to meet my Uncle Justin but I do not remember cause all I did was sleep! (Note, there was football on the TV!)